The BCA Department organized a faculty development programme on “Animation of Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities and Sharing of Best Practices” on 19 July 2018 in the conference hall. Prof. Clement D’Souza, Vice Principal and Associate Professor, St. Joseph Autonomous College, Bangalore was the resource person.
Prof. Clement addressing the faculties opined that benchmarking the institution by comparing with other standard performing institution and studying their practice makes the institution grow in all respects. He suggested that localizing the best practice according to requirement and resources will lead to better output from the students. . He imparted new ideas to strategize our curricular aspects that could be implemented in our syllabus in order to make it a top class institution. The resource person through his vast experience gave suggestions for the upcoming 4thcycle of NAAC Reaccreditation.The sharing of his entire college programme with faculties enlightened the faculties for the preparation for the upcoming NAAC Cycle. The program was coordinated by Mrs. Divya Uchil.