Interclass IT fest “INSPIRE – 2021 was organized for I BCA and II BCA on 24th July 2021 through the online platform Google meet by Fest Forum association. The objective of this fest was to create opportunities for the development of talent and improve the overall scope and space of the students. Various interclass competitions related to skill enhancement were held throughout the day like Coding and Debugging, Web designing, IT Chaser, Paper Presentation, Photography & Video Editing, IT quiz.
Ms. Smrithi Shettigar the student coordinator, Mr. Sandeep Bhandari, Mr. Shrathan, Mr. Kshaman, Mr. Shamanth, Ms. Rashmi, Mr. Jason, Ms. Varshitha, Ms. Sushmitha, Mr. Geetesh, Mr. Shanker and Mr. Sahan, Ms. Vaishnavi, and Mr. Aman of III BCA involved in organizing the fest. The program was coordinated by Mrs. Deepa D Hegde.