An annual meet of private college principals of Mangalore University was held in SDM College of Business Management Mangaluru on 7 July 2023.
Dr.K.V.Rao, Director of Regional Science center, Pilikula Nisarga Dhama who inaugurated the programme pointed out the need for implementing innovative ideas to face the challenges in higher education.
Dr. N.P Narayana Shetty President, Principal, Bhandarkars Arts and Science College Kundapur in his presidential address pointed out that main focus of the
principals should be to introduce new courses in accordance with the changing requirement of competitive world and to promote students centric learning. He also said that the Principal should strive to create an organizational climate which fosters the growth of students and teachers.
Retired principals were honored on this occasion by office bearers consisting of Dr. Narayan Shetty President, Prof.Aruna P Kamath Vice President, Dr.Veena Kumari B.K Vice President Principal, Dr.Sathish Kumar Shetty P Secretary and Dr.Laxminarayan Bhat Treasurer.
New office bearers were elected on this occasion. Dr. Vincent Alva, President,
Milagres College, Kallianpur was elected as President, Mrs. Aruna P. Kamath, SDM College of Business Management, Mangalore as Secretary, Dr. K. Umesh Shetty, BB Hegde College,Kundapur and Dr. Rudra Kumar MM, NMC, 犀利士
Sullia as Vice Presidents and Dr. Laxminarayana Bhat as Treasurer.
Prof.Aruna P Kamath welcomed the gathering and Dr.Veena Kumari proposed the vote of Thanks.