FDP on “Gearing Up the institution For 5th NAAC Cycle -Initiatives And Plans”

A FDP Programme was conducted on 5 August 2023, on the topic “Gearing up the Initiatives for V NAAC cycle initiatives and Plans .The chief guest and observer person for the programme was Dr.Satheeshchandra S, Hon’ble Secretary, SDM Education society Ujjire.

The NAAC peer team visited the college on 21-22 of April, 2023 and examined the infrastructural facility available in the University and other relevant records to make their assessment, recommendations as well as suggestions for further enhancement of quality in curricular and co-curricular programmes including various aspects of the functioning of the college.
Based on the recommendations of the NAAC peer team for the V cycle of Accreditation, the college has taken the following initiatives for quality sustenance and quality.
All the criteria coordinators made the presentation on the suggestion given to them and the implementation of the same was given by them. The focus areas in this road map include restructuring of curricular design in the light of changing socioeconomic environment; promotion of interdisciplinary/multi-disciplinary programmes and courses; introduction of ADDON Courses of an inter-disciplinary character; Faculty enrichment programmes; international and national research projects; international collaboration in the emerging areas of research; and computerization of admissions, administration and examinations.

The observer Dr.Satheeshchandra S, Hon’ble Secretary, congratulated the college for securing “A” grade and also made a few general suggestions to upgrade the standard of the institution . He also mentioned that we need to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the institutions to enhance the quality of programs and services. He also said that we need to filter the students and equip them for the modern day world.

Mrs.Kavya compeered the programme, Prof. Aruna P Kamath.Principal welcomed the gathering.

The programme was coordinated by IQAC coordinators Mrs Gayathri and Mr.Thilakraj.