Workshop on “Research Publication in International Journals”

IQAC in association with the department of Business Management organized a workshop on “Research Publication in International Journals” on 16th July 2017 in the conference hall. Dr. Amithab Anand, Assistant Professor, Skema Business School, Sophia Antopoles, France was the resource person. The objective of this programme was to create awareness about the international research publications among the faculties. Mr. Amithab, in his address, spoke about the opportunities available for research publication in international journals. He mentioned the list of journals to be considered for publication. He briefed about the structure and content of a good research article. He also enlightened the faculty members about the software to generate bibliography automatically. Stating that international publications provide good monetary incentives, he said getting published in international journals would open up opportunities for researchers to go on funded visit to foreign universities. He also displayed useful sites for researchers. The session was very interesting and interactive, and helped the faculties to get their doubts in the field of research publication clarified. It motivated the faculties to make an attempt in this regard. Mrs. Smitha coordinated the programme and welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Manju H. proposed vote of thanks