SDM College of Business Management Blog

  • Faculty Development Programme on “SEBI Initiated Investment Awareness Programme”

    Faculty Development Programme on “SEBI Initiated Investment Awareness Programme”

    The BA (HRD) department organized a faculty development programme on 8th February, 2020, on “SEBI initiated investment awareness programme”. Mr. Vinod Tantri, founder of ‘Knowledge Bell’ was the resource person. This was a one hour programme where resource person spoke about areas like, impact of inflation on financial goal and financial discipline, investment options available…

  • Faculty Development Programme on “Promotion of Quality Based Management Education”

    A faculty development programme was organized by BBA Department on “Quality Base Management Education” on 30 January 2020. The resource person was Mr. Jnaneshwar Pai, Asst. Professor, Justice K.S. Hegde Institute of Management, Karkala.  The objective of the programme was to upgrade teaching pedagogy.  Mrs. Smitha coordinated the programme.

  • Workshop On “Entrepreneurship and Digitalisation”

    Workshop On “Entrepreneurship and Digitalisation”

    A workshop on Entrepreneurship and Digitalisation was conducted by the EDP cell of Shri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College on the 20 January 2020 with the objective of motivating students to take up entrepreneurship and also to point out how digitalization ushered in new opportunities in business. It was inaugurated by    Mr. Agari Raghavendra Rao, Proprietor of…

  • Faculty Development Programme on “Methodical organization and Uploading of NAAC New System”

    Faculty Development Programme on “Methodical organization and Uploading of NAAC New System”

    A faculty development programme on the topic “Methodical organization and Uploading of NAAC New System” was organized by the department of Computer Application on 30th July 2019 at the conference hall. The resource person was Dr. Naveen Kumar K. R., Associate Professor, Dept. of Commerce, Poornaprajna Institute of Management, Udupi. Prof. Naveen addressing the faculties…

  • FDP on Human Resource Accounting

    A faculty development programme was organised by Department of Human Resource Development on 15 July 2019. Mr. Govinda Raya Shenoy, Entrepreneur, Amogh Enterprises was the resource person to the teaching and non-teaching staff . The objective of the programme was to enlighten the concept of Human Resource Accounting. In the session, Mr. Govinda Raya Shenoy…

  • FDP on Investment Alternatives

    A faculty development programme was organised by Department of BBA on 6 July 2019. Mr. Ganesh Rao, CA, Bunts Hostel, Mangalore, was the resource person. The objective of the programme was to give awareness on various investment options available in the market. Mrs. Smitha coordinated the programme. 

  • Inauguration  Of SCAN Association

    Inauguration Of SCAN Association

    Ms. Meghashree , Of Robosoft technologies inaugurated the SCAN association activities  for the academic  year 2019-20  on 2nd July 2019

  • Observation of  Drug Abuse and illicit trafficking Day

    Observation of Drug Abuse and illicit trafficking Day

    Rovers and Rangers in association with Laxmi Memorial College of Nursing organized observation of International day against Drug Abuse and illicit trafficking on 21 June 2019 at conference 犀利士 hall

  • Student Orientation

    Student Orientation

    Orientation   Programme was conducted for the First Year Students  on 19th June 2019

  • Faculty Development Programme on “Quality Improvement Measures”

    Faculty Development Programme on “Quality Improvement Measures”

    The faculty development programme on the topic “Quality Improvement Measures” was organized by IQAC on 18 June 2019 in conference hall. Principal Prof. Aruna P. Kamath was the resource person.The objective was to discuss about the feedback received from the management about the various aspects of the college and suggest quality improvement measures.   The principal,…